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The Arts Society Woking's Talk Programme 2013

All Speakers are carefully chosen based on their reputation for attractive and well-presented talks with good pictures. Talks take place on the second Wednesday of each month except July and August.
Talks commence promptly at 10.30am at Bisley Pavilion, Bisley Camp, Queens Road, Bisley Woking Surrey GU24 0NY  This website includes an Interactive map.
Coffee and biscuits are served from 9.45am.
Members may bring a visitor, but the same person may not be a guest more than twice a year. While we do not charge a Visitors fee, Visitors may want to make a donation to the Society of (say) £5.

January 9th 2013

A Royal Rescue: Dumfries House saved and revealed.

Dumfries House in Ayrshire was acquired for the nation following a last minute rescue in 2007,
largely through the involvement of HRH the Prince of Wales. Never before opened to the public,
Dumfries House is a forgotten Georgian gem, designed by Adam and furnished by Chippendale
and others.

Speaker: Matthew Williams BA (Hons) Dip. AGMS AMA

Once a home of the Marquesses of Bute, Matthew Williams has known and admired
Dumfries House for twenty years. The story of its controversial rescue is both fascinating and
entertaining. Matthew intrigued us with a talk on Tyntesfield on his first visit.

February 13th  2013

Treasures of the Silk Route from China to the Mediterranean

The Silk Road is the greatest trade route the world has ever known. As well as carrying precious goods, it was also the highway for the expanding religions and new art forms.
Along the way, we will see murals, ceramics, statues, carpets, architecture, mosaics, tile-work,
rock carvings and the silk itself.

Speaker: Chris Bradley B. Eng (Hons) FRGS

Chris has been travelling and photographing along the Silk Road for 25 years but this is his
first visit to us.

March 13th 2013

Continuity and Tradition in Western Sculpture

This talk will focus on the changing face of the Classical Language of Western Sculpture.
Topics covered will include the study of the human figure and its interpretations, from the
Greeks to Antony Gormley; the development of different types of sculpture and the revival of
interest in the classical tradition during the Renaissance and the changes wrought by artists
such as Donatello and Michelangelo at that time, and later, by Bernini in the Baroque period
and Rodin in the nineteenth century. .

Speaker: Mary Acton BA (Hons) Courtauld Institute FE

This is Mary’s second visit to Bisley

April 10th 2013

Rene Lalique – Master of Art Nouveau Jewellery and Art Deco Glass

Although Lalique is best known for his Art Deco glass, his career began in the early 1890s as
the designer of the finest Art Nouveau jeweller. His jewels were about design and craftsmanship
rather than vulgar ostentation.
Around 1907, the perfumer Coty asked Lalique to design some labels for his scent bottles but Lalique went one better and designed a new stopper- he had created the first customised perfume bottle. Lalique died in 1945 but his company is still going and his glass regarded as some of the finest ever created.

Speaker: Dr Anne Anderson BA PHD FSA

This is Dr Anderson’s third visit to us.

May 8th 2013

The Arts of Bloomsbury and Omega

The Bloomsbury Group is mainly associated with their literary output. This talk investigates
the visual aspect of their activity: a singular phenomenon in the British arts at the beginning of
the 20th century.
Artists like Roger Fry, Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant rebelled against the pretty superficiality of Impressionists in favour of a new, unconventional mode of expression in line with continental developments of Post-Impressionism. Initially explored in the Fine Arts, these new ideas were then translated into the Decorative Arts in their OMEGA workshop.

Speaker: Eveline Eaton BA (Hons) Courtauld London University

Eveline returns to us for the sixth time to give us this new 2013 Centenary talk.

June 12th 2013

Houses and Gardens of Normandy

This talk covers a wide range of French architecture: 15C and 17C chateaux, quirky seaside villas in Deauville, an Arts and Crafts House and Garden designed by Lutyens and many and varied gardens including Monet’s Giverny and two contemporary gardens. The talk evokes the Normandy immortalised by painters and writers alike. The houses and gardens reflect France’s history and culture and reveal the links with our own medieval past.

Speaker: Helen McCabe BA (Hons)

Helen is returning for the third time.
List of Normandy houses and gardens mentioned in talk

July 2013

No Talk (Summer break)

August  2013

No Talk (Summer break)

September 11th 2013

The Aztec Legacy: Continuity and Change

The Aztecs of Mexico have been described as warlike and bloodthirsty, yet their creative
achievements were breathtaking. Their shimmering city, built on a lake, was the Venice of
the New World. Their legacy includes painted books, poetry, sculpture, metalwork, turquoise
mosaics and exquisite feather work. This talk explores the contradictory aspects of Aztec
civilisation and looks at cultural survivals today.

Speaker: Chloe Sayer BA (Hons)

We welcome Chloe for the first time.

October 9th 2013

Opera Giants: Verdi and Wagner

Verdi and Wagner practically carved up the 19th century operatic world between them. They
were both born in 1813 but there the connection seems to cease. Verdi, a practical man of the
theatre, actually found a way to make opera pay, while Wagner (no less theatrical) demanded
(loudly) that the public should subsidise his ruinously expensive shows. Even so there are more similarities between the two men than is commonly acknowledged – as this talk reveals.

Speaker: Sara Lenton

This is Sara’s third visit

November 13th 2013

Banks, Burgundy and Piracy: The fifteenth Century Artists of Bruges

The Northern Renaissance, that great flowering of the arts in fifteenth Century Bruges, is not
very well known. And yet, the stories of banking, piracy and painting which interweave this
period have exciting parallels with our own times. This talk places artists like Van Eyck and
Memling in their turbulent context.

Speaker: Rt Rev Chris Herbert MPhil Phd

We are delighted to welcome Rt Revd Herbert for the first time.

December 11th 2013

The Art of Christmas

The theme of Christmas taking us from the Annunciation to the Adoration of the Shepherds and
of the three Kings, has inspired some of the greatest and most moving works of art ever created.
The Gospels however, give only limited information. Over the centuries, this has been expanded
into a rich blend of legend and fact and the talk illustrates this.

Speaker: Valerie Woodgate BA

We are welcoming Valerie for the third time.

Prior Year's Talks
To see the activities in previous years, click on the year; 2024 / 2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 20182017 20162015 2014 20132012 2011 2010
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